Our Heroes …

… Their Music

Our Heroes …

… Their Music

Who we are

Gabriel's friends

Gabriel’s Friends exists to honour Gabriel Lahs-Hughes. Founded by his mother Lyndon and a group of Gabriel’s closest friends from his time at Christ’s Hospital School and St. George’s School, Windsor Castle.

Shocked and devastated by Gabriel’s loss in September 2012, his friends gathered round Lyndon and vowed to create ‘something’ that would truly reflect Gabriel’s character and personality.

It took some while to find, but a fortuitous meeting between Lyndon and Capt Paul Fleet RM at Hasler NSRC in 2017, allowed things to fall into place.

Lyndon writes: “I’m neither musical nor military, but I care a lot about our British Forces people especially when their service has caused them harm or trauma and I believe that music is a matchless outlet for expressing complex and overpowering emotions.”

“I wanted to bring music, particularly guitar playing, to military people, as a form of healing and respite for those suffering as a result of their service. In the States and Canada veterans and guitars have been brought together with great success, particularly in the area of PTS, but very little was happening here in the UK.

“When you are not military yourself, it can seem like a difficult world to break into, but I have received nothing but kindness and welcome and the Royal Marines are a wonderful family who readily open their arms to those on the outside”

Loyally supported by a wonderful group of young friends, who devise and organise fundraising events, Gabriel’s Friends is finding its feet.

You can read what we are up to here.
