Our Heroes …

… Their Music

Our Heroes …

… Their Music

What we do

Our first project is a co-creation with Hasler NSRC, the world-class military recovery and rehabilitation centre in Plymouth, which cares for sick or injured Royal Marines, sailors and occasionally tri-service personnel.

Music is powerful. It transcends culture, tells stories, speaks to every emotion we feel. And music can heal.

Capt Paul Fleet RM, second-in-command at Hasler, had already started PROJECT ROCK, when Gabriel’s Friends made contact. But Paul, himself a talented musician, didn’t have the time in a packed schedule to develop it as he wished. Nor was there funding for the project to be delivered by a third party.

Gabriel’s Friends proposed that we should fund regular music workshops and liaise with Livewire Youth Project in Saltash to deliver the music.

Within weeks PROJECT ROCK was up and running in its new form.

The experience has been invigorating for all concerned – and most importantly, the music is doing the ‘Guys’ a power of good.

Francesca, whose partner Andy worked closely with us had this to say: “The change in Andy has been incredible since he started working on his music with Tom and Will. He comes back from a day in the studio full of life - he’s positive, confident, and enthusiastic about the future. Having the opportunity to express himself through his music, and having the chance to share that with experienced musicians, has rebuilt his self-esteem and helped him to see what a talented person he is. I can’t thank you enough for creating this opportunity for him.”

What does it look like?

Group therapy

At Livewire three dedicated musicians work with the Hasler men and women. Guitar tuition, drumming, singing and recording are all on offer. Some of the guys have been playing guitar for years and others have picked up the instrument for the first time. Whatever their level, Livewire caters for them, so that everyone is included and can make a valuable contribution.

Some who have only ever sung in the shower before are now recording their voices as well as singing in front of audiences. There has been huge progress in such a short time and one of the greatest achievements is that now we have a music festival, H-Fest, that has grown out of PROJECT ROCK. H-Fest is in its second year and the Hasler Band (formed from the workshops) will be taking centre stage.

Gabriel’s Friends was also lucky enough to make a connection with musicians Tom Anfield and Will Williams, who offer their expertise and recording facilities freely to the more experienced of the Hasler musicians.

There are many people who have open-heartedly got behind PROJECT ROCK.
